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Keeper of the Flames

"How long does it take

to taste your words

to feel your thoughts"


"How long does it take"



'How long does it take' - Teaser

Fragment - uncut & uncensored in ZEM's TEMPLE

"Man ist sozusagen selbst nur ein Instrument, auf dem das Universum spielt. "

Gustav Mahler, Born on this day in 1852

(You are, so to speak, just an instrument on which the universe plays)

"If Moonlight would shine on our face

souls would all be the same"





'Moonlight' - Rehearsals - Fragment

Fragment - uncut & uncensored in ZEM's TEMPLE

"Tradition ist Bewahrung des Feuers, nicht Anbetung der Asche."

Gustav Mahler

(Tradition is tending the Flame, not the worshiping of the Ashes)

Images in HD in ZEM's TEMPLE

"Je suis venu au monde très jeune dans un monde très vieux."

Erik Satie,

né le 7 mai en 1866

For daily personal mail with the original version (full & uncensored)

of ZEM's work you can join ZEM's TEMPLE



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